What is a virtual Pong?
Virtual Led Space Pong is a super-fast, futuristic game that keeps players right on their feet with a ball of light simulation which bounces off the walls. It is a tennis-style type of game which you can play in your living room with its light simulation. It has two 2 racquets. The age range that can play virtual pong starts from 6+.
To play virtual pong, you can use your electronic “racquet” to face off against an opponent by taking on a friend or family. You can as well play solo against the game console. The first player to get to point 11 wins!

Features of Virtual Led Space Pong Game
- Futuristic spaced-out version of tennis
- It has a simulation ball of light that bounces off the walls and ceiling
- It can be played with either an opponent or solo against the game console
- The first play to get to point 11 wins
- It has two racquets
- It uses 7 AA batteries with 2 for each racquet and 3 for the main unit
- 6+ ages can participate in the game
- It has 1 Ball projector
- It uses two paddles
How Do You Use Virtual LED Space Pong Game?
You can use the Virtual Led Space Pong by just illuminating a virtual light ball across the ceiling and walls. And you are good to go.
These simulation balls of light work best in the middle of a dark room. With just 7 AA batteries, you are ready to go.
You can automatically keep track of scores while going for the win. It is action-paced with interactive lights and sounds.

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You can get the Virtual Led Space Pong on Amazon, today.